Free Foxit Reader 5.1.0 Build 1021

Ganisebastian 13 years ago
Foxit reader berfungsi sebagai pembaca file PDF,di klaim lebih cepat dari tool pembaca file PDF yang lainnya.

Foxit Reader sangat mudah digunakan, cukup klik dua kali untuk memulai dan kemudian klik tombol terbuka untuk membuka dokumen PDF Anda. Jika Anda ingin mencetak, klik tombol "Print". Jika Anda ingin setup tata letak halaman untuk dicetak, pilih "Print Setup" dari menu "File"

Lebih jelas tentang fiturnya bisa berkunjung ke situs resminya DI SINI

New Features:
1.Supports XFA form filling.
2.Supports to open the RMSЁCprotected PDFs with Foxit Reader.
3.Supports to customize shortcut keys for various commands.
4.Supports to reload the opened PDF document that is modified by other PDF tools.
5.The new Split View mode allows you to divide the PDFs into two panes or four panes.
6.Fit Visible mode enables the PDF pages to fit the width of the window.
7.Supports Tabbed Toolbar Mode.
8.Supports 11 different page transition types in the full screen mode.
9.Offers four nice skins for appearance change.
10.Supports to search keywords in the comment and bookmark.
11.Enables you to preview a PDF attachment in Microsoft Outlook.
12.Displays the PDF files in the Windows Explorer as the thumbnails if Foxit Reader has been set as the default PDF viewer.
13.Adds more available command lines.

Link download : Mediafire
size : 13.49MB

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