Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3256 Plus Patch

4:21 PM

Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3256 Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa menggabungkan beberapa atau banyak foto sekaligus untuk di jadikan sebuah slide show photo.penambahan beberapa efek dan teks juga telah di sediakan,tinggal selera kita untuk memilh sesuai dengan selera.anda juga bisa menyisipkan lagu agar slideshow terlihat hidup.

Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3256 juga dapat di gunakan untuk menggabungkan beberapa potongan klip video,anda pun bisa se- cara mudah membuat presentasi hanya dengan fitur drag n drop,dan fitur lainnya yang di rancang untuk kemudahan pengguna.

Buka fitur lengkap
* Add an unlimited number of layers to any slide * Drag and drop to easily add content to a show * Supports 100+ file types * Transparency support for PSD, PNG, TIFF and GIF files * Turn any layer into a fully-customized mask to conceal or reveal aspects of underlying layers * Add a gradient or solid color as a slide layer to a layer to get incredible results * Spice up a presentation using interactive slide actions to launch PDFs, spreadsheets, webpages and more * Set transition effects for individual layers * Optimize your workflow using built-in image correction tools like sharpen, colorize, saturate and more * Create enhanced borders for your photos and videos with ProShow Producer's all-new vignette effect * Create Hollywood-style greenscreen effects with the all-new Chroma Key Transparency tool * Specify opacity for any layer on a slide * Add depth to your composition by adjusting the color and opacity of a shadow on any layer in a slide * Crop and rotate your photos and videos with precision * Use the red-eye removal tool to correct any photo in your show in seconds * Use adjustment effects to produce spectacular effects. Make a video move through color shifts or create a sequence of photo fades * Add multiple keys to each adjustment effect * Add motion like pan, zoom and rotate to any layer on a slide for a cinematic effect * Zoom X and Y coordinates for a layer individually and zoom out further than ever before * Create complex motion paths by setting multiple key points on the key timeline * The fully-customizable slide preview grid allows you to accurately position your photos and videos on a slide * Control the font, size and color of captions in your slides * Use caption keyframing to create multiple caption motion effects on a single slide * Animate your captions with more amazing effects to choose from than ever before * Add interactive captions to launch actions like Pause, Resume, Next Slide, Previous Slide, Write Email and many more * Gain greater design control over captions with ProShow Producer's new caption styles, caption line spacing and caption character features * Enhance slide shows by dropping in any MP3 or WAV audio file * Save an audio track directly from a CD and drop it right into your slide show * Crop your audio and set fades using the built-in Audio Trimmer * Built-in soundtrack waveform in slide list * Add interest to your slide shows with solid colors, gradients, or videos as backgrounds * Use the new, built-in backgrounds to spruce-up your slide shows * Control the adjustment levels of your background content * And many many more...

Download : Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3256 Plus Patch [39.23 MB]
Description: Membuat slide show,Membuat slide show photo,membuat slide show gambar,Photodex ProShow Producer,Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3256,Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3256 Plus Patch Rating: 4.5

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July 5, 2012 at 11:15 PM delete

trims gan atas uploadnya..
saya sudah ikutin intruksi instal semuanya, tapi setelah dipakai softwarenya, trus saya matikan laptop, pas dinyalain lagi ko ilegal softwarenya??
mohon petunjuk...

July 6, 2012 at 1:38 AM delete

itu hanya notifikasi [pemberitahuan/peringatan]dari windows aja,wajar-lah karena hasil patch..
anda bisa menghilangkan notifikasi dgn tool autorun
[]Cari file dengan nama WGALogon kemudian hilangkan ceklistnya dan restart Pc.Insya Allah gk akan muncul pemberitahuan tadi...makasi mas Anonim masukannya.

November 10, 2012 at 7:45 PM delete

abang...minta effect2nya donk...kan banyak tuh..minta semuanya donk..thanks

November 22, 2012 at 7:33 AM delete

aku udh bikin pas udh disave ko ga bisa dibuka yaa
kenapa? bisa kasih solusinya

makasih :)

November 24, 2012 at 7:53 AM delete

gan.. saat hasil videonya disave kok d dlm videonya ada slide dg tulisan software illegal, hal ini sangat mengganggu sekali tampilan videonya. Mohon petunjuk untuk menghilangkan slide tsb.
Thanks a lot, Vilmoo.

Anande Kagura
January 22, 2013 at 4:41 AM delete

wah udah di remov ya file nya..ko' gk bisa down load

November 22, 2016 at 10:01 PM delete

maaf nih gan mau nanya.kalau pas di play itu ada tulisan made as an evalution of proshow producer.cara menghilangkannya gimana ya gan.minta bantuannya..
